Photo Credit: Allison Iafrate - Humboldt
To increase visibility and understanding of challenges rural communities face, Rural Advancement Institute. (RAI) facilitates educational activities and research throughout rural California. These activities touch a range of topics, ranging from forest resiliency to housing, helping to increase both the breadth and depth of knowledge on key priority issues.
Educational Activities
Rural Advancement Institute organizes educational tours to rural counties to fostering greater awareness and comprehension of the challenges faced by rural regions among California lawmakers and other significant stakeholders. These immersive visits will provide participants with a unique opportunity to witness the direct impact of current California policies on rural communities. Participants can gain insights into the specific challenges these communities face and develop a more profound understanding of their experiences in addressing these hurdles.
2024 Education Priority Policy Areas

Climate Change
Forest Resiliency
Illegal Cannabis Enforcement
Land Use/Development
Landfills/SB 1383
Prison Closures
Rural Homelessness
Rural Urban Connect
Water (drought, floods, sites reservoir, water storage, upper watershed, infrastructure)
Workforce Development
ZEV Infrastructure
Academic Research
Rural Advancement Institute collaborates with research institutions to develop high quality, data-driven research regarding the impacts of federal and state policymaking on rural communities, with particular emphasis on factors that distinguish rural from urban communities. This collaborative effort allows for a comprehensive exploration of these challenges, enabling the development and advocacy of evidence-based solutions that effectively address the needs of rural communities.

For 2024, the Board of Directors has identified the issue of capacity challenges in fire and emergency medical services within rural communities as the focus for Rural Advancement Institute sponsored research project. Work is currently underway to define the research scope.
Find RAI's past reports below.
Currently Underway: Fire and EMS Capacity (2024-25)
2024 Research Priority Policy Areas
Agriculture Food
Air Quality
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure/ Preparedness
Emergency Disaster Preparedness
Health Access/ Behavioral Health
Quality of Life in Rural California
Rural Economies (Community Economic Resilience Fund, project financing, innovation funds)
Wildfire Resilience
Williamson Act/PILT
Workforce development